1. Because the federal government
cannot afford it.
The present Nigerian government is broke and can hardly sustain herself. Austerity measures are being put in place to minimize expenditures. The National Youth Service Corp is not a priority in government spending and that is why most of our dear coppers are being owed their monthly allowee.
2. The Scheme is useless:
Traveling is part of education and a well traveled man knows more than a man educated indoor; This statement was true in 1970s when information was conveyed by paper and words of mouth. Today, the internet is abuzz with all sorts of information and anybody can access whatever information he requires online. More so, some general courses such as Nigeria peoples and culture, humanities, Peace and conflict studies have bridged the gap between the man from North and the man from South.
What's the idea behind NYSC again?
3. State Government are exploiting it:
With 36 states and a federal capital territory, only a handle full of states pay coppers over #4000 per month. I have no idea of any state that pays coppers the standard minimum wage of # 18,000. However, it is worthy to note that these states, and local governments continually lobby for more coppers to be posted to their area so as to get free hands to do job meant for paid staff. Some states in the North pay coppers as low as #1000 per month wherein the bank charge for receiving this salary is #200!
4. A ruin to Education
The recent deployment of coppers to educational sector has led to a drop in the recruitment of teachers as coppers now teach core subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, accounting regardless of whether they have the flair for teaching (Requisite teaching qualification is not an issue for debate here as virtually all coppers are bereft of this training).
What is rather in vogue is the manner in which our copper boys exploit female students, making first class grades with their manhood, having failed to meet up to the standard of their female peers.
5. At the student's Peril
Coppers are the most reliable for election; this is true, and I concur. However, in the eventuality of crisis, they are the most vulnerable and are salvaged at the selvedge. Lots of lives have been lost during election and beyond. The volume of coppers lost in road accidents, and violence is quite alarming in a country where lives of citizens is of importance.
6. Time Wasting:
The NYSC scheme is designed in such as way that the average Nigerian student spends a minimum of over 2 years after his last examination and project defense doing virtually nothing meaningful for himself, not even to further his education. Such periods are the slacks to economic development.
Studies have show that the first three months after graduation are the peak periods of a student. After these months, his mental capacity begins to deteriorate if not channeled in the right direction. But what can a Nigerian Student do while waiting for call-up letter? what can a Nigerian student do when posted to a state so remote from your dreams and plans? Wait...Wait ...After service life continues.
7. The world has moved on:
There are many changes taking place in the world today. Britain went for a referendum, America is heading towards her first female presidency. Turkey is experiencing a purge, One of the unique change the Nigeria government can do for Nigerians is to release them to the labour market once they are done with their academic program.
It is unfortunate that companies no longer write to schools to present students for employment rather they demand for interns, who are underpaid.
It is uncalled for that we must take a two year break before we further our education.
It is appalling that the irregular peanuts entice our youths to a life of wanton and irresponsibility.
It is disheartening that our life in 2016 is shaped by an event that occurred in 1970s.
We can serve our fatherland, our hands are ready to plough, but neither in the wrong form nor with the wrong tools.
God bless Nigeria.
what do you think?
Ujah J.P.
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