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Friday, 26 August 2016

5 Ways To Make Money In This BUHARI Economy

Hard times are upon us and desperate measure are to be taken to survive desperate times. Making money as a Nigerian is not only difficult but spending money too. Gone are the days when politician s would intimidate us during fundraising in churches and dinner. Today the only billionaire we hear of still flaunting his wealth is Ifeanyi Ubah.

So guys, what's the way forward? Are we going to fold hands and wait for 'Owu' to kill us?... Relax, some people out there are making real cash and below,  am sharing with you their secrets sources:

1. Foods:
Have heard the saying that belle no be show glass?Yes, Sell something edible and nutritious. People are  looking for cheaper food these days and since the price of our beloved staple, rice has soared; Sunday rice has become scarce on the dinning table, So which food can you sell? Fruits... Yes fruits, the average Nigerian now eats 1-0-1 as such, uses snacks and fruit to substitute for lunch. Selling fruits is as easy as ABC; Depending on your location, there are fruit markets scattered all over Nigeria.  All you need is packaging and advert. Yes, take it to them don't wait for them to come to you.

" Na Pikin wey see food dey find Christmas cloth"

2. Dollars:
Do you realize that the  common man believes that the trouble with Nigerian is not only that of failed leadership but the scarcity of dollar? Yes, dollar is the unofficial trading currency of bigwigs in Nigeria. They all need dollars and If you squeeze out of any source hole, you can make brisk money from it. Currently, the interbank rate for a dollar is around #300 but at the parallel market it sells for over #400 per dollar. You may ask, who and who needs dollar? let me answer you:

The importer needs millions of dollars,
the students schooling in US needs thousands of dollar
Your neighbor going on vacation to US needs hundreds or thousands of dollar.
The smugglers at Seme border need thousands of dollar.
Mind you, every politician needs dollar. So the true question now is who does not need dollar, because definitely, I do!

3. Agriculture:
Yeah..you heard right. I know you are graduate with Masters degree in non agro-allied discipline but with all the papers, who you epp?

Setting up an agro business is quite easy . If you intend farming, all you basically need is a farmland. And if you father cannot give you one, your kinsmen can. and If they don't you can find some lazy old man and discuss with him. Arable lands abound all over Nigeria. Rochas Okorocha in 2013 would say that even the air in Nigeria is fertile and thats why trees and grasses grow on roof of buildings.
 People need food, agric products can be easily sold off and you can plant virtually anything. Cassava is under-supplied in Nigeria, that is why flour is expensive. Yam is never enough. Fruits are not enough, Beans is expensive because of under-supply. Generally, effective demand for agricultural produce far out-weighs supply.

As an advantage, you get government support when you invest in agriculture, thats what Buhari wants.. You become an ambassador of farmers.

4. Networking Business: 
Did I hear you say Tufiakwa? You've got to wake up. Networking business is the real deal now. guys are making cool cash from it and you should join the train now.
Have you heard of Helping Hands International (H2i) these guys just need a donation from you to the tune of $40 or #6,600, then you invite a few people into the system and you are good to go. Each time you invite someone, you make $8  and when you move from one level to another , you get bonus sometimes to the tune of $3000.
I have a friend who became a millionaire in 6months from this scheme. If you think Its worth it, then give him a dial  +2348038104107(Engr. Chizzy) or visit their website Helping hands

MMM: This is another Networking business that promotes communal financial assistance. All you need do is donate any amount of money, and in 30 days or one month whichever comes first, you will receive your money with an additional 30% interest.  People are making it big here, why not you.
To start, you can visit their website MMM

5. Online Business:
You really don't fancy online business do you? I know you don't and so do I. Do you know that people make money from playing games online, writing online or uploading videos online.
and you know the catch? they pay in the almighty scarce dollars.
Google about online business that you can feature in or drop your comment for further details on any of them. Google pays people in millions of dollars per month for doing adverts for them online. The most expensive tool you would need to do any online business is internet connectivity.

Now that you have seen five alternative routes out Buharism, get off the hook and do some work.

"Na hand we dey touch sand dey put food for mouth"

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