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Wednesday, 29 March 2017

See the Video of the Mob Attack on NIgerians in India

The horror of what two Nigerians suffered on Monday evening at a mall near Delhi has been revealed in graphic detail by a new video. 21-year-old Enduranca Amalawa, a first year student at a university in Greater Noida, was at the Ansal Plaza in Greater Noida with his brother Precious and a friend when they were attacked by a large mob. See video after the cut

In the video, the student is on the floor as the attackers beat him repeatedly with a steel dustbin, bent out of shape by the impact, and other objects. Enduranca doesn't move and has his arms covering his face, but his helplessness does not move the mob, which continues to thrash him. He even tries to crawl and get away, but he is chased and beaten.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, may i please use your video for a news piece im writing about the attack. I will definitely credit you for the video. I would liek t o use the bits towards the end showing on the of the victims on the phone


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