Habit is a fixed series of acts. Do a thing once and tracks
are marked. Do a thing twice and a route is mapped. Do a thing thrice and a
path is blazed.
Do the right thing over and over again.
From the unconscious wink of the eye to the smooth, unnoticed
movements of a million worlds, the law of Habit relentlessly rules its course.
All life is but a set of habits.
Do the right thing over and over again.
The pennies saved today make the
Nickels in the bank
tomorrow. The Nickels in the bank tomorrow spell the dollars in the bank next
year. The dollars saved, crystallize into the Fortune after the years! Habit
either makes or breaks-either leads you up or drags you down.
Do the right thing over and over again.
If you are prompt today, you will want to be prompt
tomorrow. If you are square once, you will surely seek to be square again. The
fight for a thing worthwhile right now cannot help but ease the fight for the
thing worthwhile later on. It is the law of Habit. And Habit creeps on form the
minutest action repeated over and over again.
Do the right thing over and over again.
Grow the great off of habit! There is no other way. Start
what you do start-right. Or else, begin all over again. You can fondle the eggs
of a python but you can’t play with a python. You can break the bad habit
today, but if you wait until tomorrow, the bad habit will break you.
Do the right thing over and over again
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